
23 March, 2018

Congratulations to our English Debating Team

Congratulations to our English Debating Team!


Massive congratulations to our English Debating Team, for their victory against Ho Lap Primary School! Both teams debated the motion ‘This house believes that Hong Kong should legalise e-bicycles’. Ho Lap was on the negative side; ours was on the affirmative. This win means that Team II and Team III are clear for the finals!

Kudos to Suki Shao Hoi Ki (6B) for her performance in the debate, which won her best speaker! A great win, very well done to all.

Our team would like to thank Ho Lap Primary School for a very high-standard debate. We wish them all the best for their future debating endeavours.

Our Team Members (left to right): 5C Liao Sze Yui Yumi (Timekeeper), 5E Mok Hiu Ching (Chairperson), 6B Shao Hoi Ki Suki (1st Speaker), 6A Sit Shing Yiu Marco (2nd Speaker), 6D Chan Chun Man Adrian (3rd Speaker)

Teachers-in-charge: Ms. Tam Ho Yan, Mr. Neil Stewart, Mr. Adrian Ho